(Please note the video was created prior to moving into the actual school.)
Skills of reading are explicitly modelled and taught by the teacher. Teachers use quality literature, in the form of mentor texts like picture story books, to engage students with text analysis.
Students are then provided time to embed their learning by practising independent reading, engaging in choice board tasks or recording thinking in their reader's notebooks. The teacher facilitates individual or group conferences to scaffold learning.
Lastly, the class comes together to reflect on learning and provide feedback.
Writing lessons begin with the discussion and analysis of mentor texts. Mentor texts are authentic pieces of writing that allow students to see how effective authors write. The teacher models and explicitly teaches specific skills that writer’s use.
Students are then provided time to embed their learning by practising writing their own pieces based upon thinking they have recorded in their writer's notebooks. The teacher facilitates individual or group conferences to scaffold learning.
Lastly, the class comes together to reflect on learning and provide feedback.
Speaking and listening is central to the Topirum Primary School Curriculum and is developed throughout our school, across all curriculum areas. We develop student’s speaking and listening skills through a variety of approaches: discovery learning, responding to texts, inquiry, partner work, individual conferences, small group tasks and other collaborative learning opportunities. Teachers explicitly teach the skills of active listening and how to use language to express your thinking and idea.
© Topirum Primary School