Wellbeing & Inclusion Approach

Humanist Approach


We see all behaviour as communicating a need or want. We acknowledge that our learners will all make mistakes as they develop their social-emotional skills, and to these we take an educative response to reteach appropriate behaviours. 


At Topirum Primary School, we follow the principle of inclusion. This ensures we make reasonable adjustments to accommodate the diverse need of our students, not limited to, but including Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islander students, students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, students with disabilities and students who are vulnerable. These reasonable adjustments ensure that all students at our school can participate in the education on the same basis. Our staff use ‘student focused’ inclusive language and focus on the potential in every single student to achieve success at school. 


At TPS students have the right to: 

  • participate fully in their education
  • feel safe, secure and happy at school
  • learn in an environment free from bullying, harassment, violence, racism, discrimination or intimidation 
  • express their ideas, feelings and concerns.  


At TPS students have the responsibility to: 

  • participate fully in their educational program, as guided by their teacher 
  • display positive behaviours that demonstrate respect for themselves, their peers, their teachers and members of the school community
  • respect the right of others to learn.
  • Adopt the Student Ways of Thinking and demonstrate these: 
    • Have a go
    • Try your best
    • Be kind
    • Think of others
    • Be a determined learner 

For further details please refer to the Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy.


© 2024 Topirum Primary School