Topirum Primary School will be in its second year of operation in 2025.
Students in grades 1 to 6 (no preps) start school on Wednesday 29th January, 2025.
Students in prep start school on Thursday 30th January, 2025.
Prep students only: Prep students do not attend school on the following days:
On these days, prep students will have an appointment at the school for a literacy assessment, as required by the Department of Education. Your child's class teacher will organise your child's appointment on the first day of school. Each class will have a booking sheet available.
School Hours:
School starts at 8.45am
School finishes at 3.15pm
School Schedule:
There are 6 50 minute sessions each school day.
There are 2 periods of outside playtime- RECESS and LUNCH.
Specialist classes:
Each class will have 5 specialist sessions per week.
This will include: physical education, music, science, visual art and French language.
Bell Times:
© Topirum Primary School